Vertex EcoPac Flyer

EcoPac ® Refill System Made in USA © Copyright 2018 ® SSI bio ® Vertex racks are made robust and designed to withstand multiple autoclave cycles. The Vertex Rack Vertex inserts are produced in volume- specific colors, making them easy to identify and replace. EcoPac inserts are imprinted with tip size and lot number data, visible even when seated inside the rack. Blue 1250 µL Yellow 200 µL 300 µL Red 10 µL 10 µL XL ... handy lift-and-load simplicity ... ... to a fresh set of 96 tips! From an empty rack ... Scientific Specialties, Inc. 1310 Thurman Street, Lodi, CA USA 95240 Phone: + 1 (209) 333-2120 Refilling an empty rack has never been easier!